

I have this running argument with myself about which is more valid for an artist - scant output defined by isolated peaks, or prolificacy with lots of filler. Is it better to be astute and produce only when things are aligned or is it better to spit it all out when you think it and push on? Clearly, Spencer Krug can't figure out how to go about the former, as albums seem to pour out this guy every time the season changes. As the unofficial hardest workingman in indie-rock, Krug has built an impressive canon of material since leaving Frog Eyes back in 2003. Wolf Parade's seminal Apologies To The Queen Mary dropped (officially) in 2005, and since then, Krug has produced an EP and now two full lengths with Sunset Rubdown. If Krug keeps this pace, he should have about forty albums recorded by the time he retires. I wonder, does Krug even remember how to play half the songs he's written from only the past few years? And with each different band he involves himself in (Fifths of Seven, Wolf Parade, Swan Lake), he leaves a mark that is undeniably his. FULL REVIEW

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